Hull Construction Continued
Check your work frequently with provided
radius gauge.
This step is critical to produce a good
handling WaterBoard™.
Use the previously
described techniques to create a 3/32 in.
radius along length of chines (where sides of
hull meet plywood bottom from bow to stern)
Note: This radius is critical to the turning
performance of the boat. The 3/32 in. radius
produces a boat that maximizes both turing
and high speed performance. Generally the
greater the radius the easier the boat will turn
at the expense of allowing more air under
boat and potentially making it easier to flip at
higher speeds. A smaller radius will make the
boat more difficult to turn and less tolerant of
chop but is slightly faster in the corners on
glassy water. See the tuning section for a
more detailed discussion on how this radius
affects handling.
Prior to assembly of electronics / battery
access hatch top locate H1 and sand the
edges round to prevent the hatch top from
later wearing the rubber gasket material.
Assemble electronics / battery top hatch from
ply parts H1 and H2 as illustrated.
Prior to assembling motor mount. Use a sharp
#11 blade cut “slug” for servo pocket to match
chosen servo. (applies to part M2 or M3)
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