Empennage Assembly
Assembly of the empennage or “tail feathers” simply requires locating the parts that make up the H. Stab /
Elevator assembly and the V. Stab / Rudder assembly. The H. Stab parts are etched Ha, Hb, and Hc; remove
these from the 3/16” balsa stock and assemble over the plan sheet. The V. Stab parts are etched Va, Vb, and
Vc; remove these from the 3/16” balsa stock and assemble over the plan sheet.
Fill/Sand the joints of the completed H. and V. Stab assemblies to a smooth finish on both sides.
Sand the leading edge of the H. and V. Stab assemblies round leaving the trailing edge squared off.
Round Leading Edge
Leave Trailing Edge Square
Sanding Guide - H. and V. Stabilizer
45 Deg. Leading Edge
Leave Trailing Edge Square
Sanding Guide - Rudder / Elevator
Remove the Rudder and Elevator Parts and sand a 45 deg. bevel to the leading edge in preparation for tape
hinging. Again, leave the trailing edge square.
NOTE: These parts are cut from heavy 3/16” balsa and are solid. If you are running our suggested stock
S700 motor DO NOT attempt to lighten these components… doing so will limit your ability to balance the
model. Better to leave these heavy and strong then weaken the structure and add lead to the tail.
Fuselage Assembly
Assemble Fuselage Sides from 1/8” Balsa parts: Fa, Fb, and Fc. Use the following image as a guide. Fill/Sand
the joints to a smooth finish. Assemble fuselage cross grain components F7 from F7a and F7b.
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