14. Locate the 1/8” balsa parts F12 and key within the underside of the fuselage as indicated in the photo below.
F12 doubles the fuselage battery access hatch and is shaped along it’s leading edge to fit snug against the
inside plywood structure. Tip! Make certain that F12 rests upon the F11 decking installed in the step prior.
15. Assemble the battery access hatch catch/cross brace from 3/32” balsa parts C1, C2, and C3 as indicated in the
photos below. With the catch/brace assembled install one 3/16” rare earth magnet in the circular cutout –
secure the magnet with thin CA glue.
16. Install the completed cross brace to the fuselage as indicated in the photo below. The leading edge of the
catch/brace should be flush with the leading edge of the deck part F11. Tip! Sand lightly if the fit is too snug (a
result of the C1,2,3 parts not being aligned properly when gluing) – don’t force the parts to fit.
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