Fuselage Final Assembly Notes
Finish off the fuselage by filling any imperfections with balsa wood filler or a lightweight spackling compound
then loading a fine grit (400) sand paper on your sanding block and lightly sand smooth the entire fuselage and
tail feathers.
Cover the fuselage using AeroFILM or AeroFILM LITE covering material. Install the 3/16” hardwood wing
dowels and the ¼” landing gear dowel as indicated on the plan sheet. These dowels must be secured with CA
glue. TIP: Sand the edges of the dowel smooth to avoid damaging the rubber bands.
Retain the supplied 3” Lite Wheels to the landing gear assembly using the supplied 1/8” star washers as
The landing gear is captured by the gap in L1/L2 along the bottom of the fuselage assembly and rubber banded
in place with one single #64 band on either side of the fuselage. You may adjust the gear tension by adding or
removing wraps of the rubber band.
Remove the exterior metal shield from your Speed 700 motor as illustrated below:
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