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82070-243, Revision F
20 of 22
Hue refers to the “shade” of the colors. Adjustment of this feature is applicable primarily to analog
signal sources. S-Video, RGBHV and VGA are analog signals. Adjustment of hue will help to correct
abnormalities in the signal. The adjustment can help in restoring the “natural” look of the colors.
This adjustment is seldom necessary, but if there is a problem with the monitor pixel clock phase or
position in relation to the pixel clock generated by the camera, a phase adjustment may be required. The
symptom of phase problems is the appearance of horizontal lines flickering through the image.
Saturation refers to the purity of any particular color component (Red, Green or Blue). For
example, 100% Red saturation is 100% Red, 0% Green and 0% Blue. No saturation means all the color
percentages are equal. Changes in saturation will change the emphasis of the selected color component.