9. Fit the keys in the keyways on the extended shaft and
apply grease (e.g. Chesterton 630 SXCF).
10. Put the drive unit on a flat surface. Verify that the
gearbox’s hollow shaft is completely free of deforma-
tions or burrs. A common file can be used for this
11. Verify that the shaft can move smoothly up and down
the gearbox, all the way to the stop provided by the
bottom circlip. If necessary use a file to de-burr and
straighten the hollow-shaft keyway and/or the bot-
tom shaft key.
12. Once the shaft runs smoothly up and down the gear-
box, apply additional grease to the gearbox’s hollow
13. Apply a suitable thread-sealant/locking liquid (e.g.
Loctite 243, Loctite 2400) to the Magnet Lowering
Device screw.
14. Screw the Magnet Lowering Device mounting screw
into the bottom end of the shaft and tighten to 17 Nm
(150 in-lb) with assistance of the mounting tool.
© Steridose