background image

Step 5

Step 4

Step 3

Insert Plunger lever through top right slot and lock 

with pin. 

Insert Rod and Hook onto top notch in lever . 

Insert Pedal through bottom slot while sliding Rod



Hook onto bottom notch of pedal. 

- Lock with Pin

Step 6 - PART 1

1. Attach U Clamp with screw hole down - insert 

screw. Lightly screw Wing-nut to hold U Clamp.

2. Slide bottle onto U Clamp. Tighten bottle neck 

over edge of U clamp. 

3. Lift the Nozzle against plunger lever. (you may 

need to loosen wing nut) 

4. Now, tighten Wing nut. [this needs to go in a 

box at the bottom of page 2 where there is an 

empty spot - 

(see diagram on next page) 
