A bank is a sequence of different scenes (or steps) that will be called one after
another. In the DMX you can create up to 30 programs with 8 scenes each.
Entering programming mode
A scene is a static table of lighting. The scenes are stored in banks. There are 30
banks of memory in the driver and each has a capacity of 8 reports of scene. DMX
has capacity to store 240 scenes in total.
3.3 Programming
3.4 Create a scene
1. Press and hold the PROGRAM button for 3 seconds.
2. Select a SCANNER (device) to control.
These controls change the attributes of the lighting device, such as color and
pattern. Click PAGE SELECTOR to have access to 9 to 16 channels with the
4. To go to the next device, press the SCANNER button you just programmed and
select another SCANNER button to control.
1. Press the PROGRAM button for 3 seconds until you see a
flashing LED next to the PROG label on the LCD. This indicates
that we have entered in programming mode.
3. Compose a view by moving the FADERS (sliding
5. Repeat steps 2-4 until you get the view you want.