SVP307 SIP Phone User Manual
NAT External IP
With the
selected in NAT_TRAVERSAL, please
type the public IP of NAT server.
6.2 VoIP Configuration Parameters
! Note:
Please check with your ISP for the protocol settings. Changing the settings without proper
guidance may result in the the terminal not functioning.
Preferred Audio
You can select the type of audio codec: default, G.723_only,
G.711u_only, G.711a_only or G.729 only
DTMF Relay
You can select the type of DTMF relaying: off, 2833, sip_info
or inband.
Parameter Description
These options determine whether user can dial extension telephone. If you
select off, you will can not dial extensions. Please consult with your ISP for the
correct choice.
Select VAD
Enable/disable VAD (Voice Activation Detection)
SIP Server
SIP server address, Please ask your service provider if you
do not know what to fill in.
Register Port
The local SIP port used by terminal to send register packets.
The default port number is 5060 or 5063. Please ask your
service provider if you do not know what to fill in.
Proxy Server
Choose whether to use proxy server.” on” means using this
function, while “off” means not
Proxy URL
Enter the URL of Outbound Proxy server
Server Register Choose whether to let the phone send register packet.
Usually, you must choose “on”
Display Name
Enter the name which will display on you phone’s LCD
Domain Name It’s the SIP realm. Please ask your service provider if you do
not know what to fill in.
User Name
The user name used to login SIP server for authentication.
The password used to login SIP server for authentication.
Phone Number The number of this terminal, usually is allocated by system.