Server Type
The particular service system supplier carries out the sign and speeches to
encrypt, default is common
DTMF Mode: DTMF signal sending mode: support RFC2833, DTMF_RELAY (inband audio)
and SIP info
RFC Protocol Edition:
Current SVP305 SIP version. Set to RFC 2543 if the gate need to
communicate to devices (such as CISCO5300) using the SIP 1.0. Default is RFC 3261.
Enable Register:
Enable/Disable SIP register. SVP305 won’t sent register info to
SIP server if disable register.
2.4.2 Iax2 Config
Setting page of public IAX server:
IAX Server Addr:
Register address of public IAX server
IAX Server Port:
Register port of public IAX server default port is 4569
Account Name:
Username of your SIP account (Always the same as the phone
Account Password:
Password of your IAX account.
Local port:
Signal port of local, default port is 4569
Phone Number:
Phone number of your IAX account
Voice mail number:
If the IAX support voice mail, but your username of the voice mail is
letters which you can not input with the ATA , then you use the number to stand for your
Voice mail text:
if IAX support voice mail, config the domain name of your mail box here.
Echo test number:
If the platform support echo test , and the number is test form , the config
the test number to replace the text format The echo test is to test the woring status of