10 Maintenance and Servicing
10.1 Artec
Medico-technical products and required to undergo at regular intervals inspection and
servicing in compliance with MedGV (Medical Equipment Regulations).
Such inspections and servicing are to be carried out by authorized personnel only (Service
Staff) of the Supplier.
Periodic Maintenance is genenally semi-yearly.
Safety Technical Inspections
Recommended Scope:
1. Visual check of necessary identification markings and Exterior detected damage
2. Check for completeness of Unit
3. Check proper functioning and alarm functioning
4. Measure earthing resistance, replacement unit ground contact and the insulation
resistance in comliance with VDE 0751 Part 1/12.84
The Maintenance Agreement ensures the best guarantee, and provides semi-annual
inspections with automatic replacement of parts subject to wear.
Should maintenance and servicing of the unit be carried out by unqualified and
unauthorized persons, the Manufacturer cannot be held reliable for the safe and proper
functioning of the unit.
10.2 Changeover mounting arm (if available)
For the changeover mounting arm no maintenance work is required. Parts of the
changeover mounting arm should only be replaced or repaired by the customer service of