STEL s.r.l.
– Via del Progresso n° 59 – 36020
Loc. Castegnero (VICENZA) - ITALY
TEL. +39 0444 639525 (central.) – +39 0444 639682 (comm.)
FAX +39 0444 639641 – E-mail: stel @ stelgroup.it
http: www.stelgroup.it
MAX 503 & MAX 503 IP44
COD. 6914500030
1) butt joint
2) T joint
The angle of inclination of the electrode varies according to the passes made:
the movement of the electrode is performed by swinging it and stopping at the
sides of the seam so as to avoid the accumulation of weld material in the centre
of the weld.
- Removing slag:
For coated electrodes, it is necessary to remove the slag after each pass. The
slag is removed with a small hammer or, in the case of brittle slag, with a wire
To make the different types of joint correctly in the various positions, it is
necessary to practice under the guidance of an expert.