O w n e r ’ s M a n u a l S T E E L E R 5 2 S p e r f o r m a n c e
p a g e 1 7
Explosion hazard
If explosion is imminent, put on PFD's, grab distress signals and survival gear, and immediately abandon
Abandoning ship
Please read items below as "if and when possible";
Make a head count, gather everybody in the cockpit.
If possible, launch life-raft and (depending on the weather and situation) use this to evacuate the
If possible, launch the tender.
Gather distress signals (if available), personal belongings, telecommunication tools, GPS, EPIRB,
compass (etc.).
When clear of danger, account (again) for all who were on board, and help those in need.
Keep everyone together to make rescue easier.
BURN HAZARD – Swim or sail against the current or wind if you abandon ship.
Leaking fuel will float with the current and may ignite.
Lifesaving equipment
The ‘STEELER 52S’ can be fitted with a life-raft (owner’s delivery). This raft can be stored in the cockpit
area. Have rafts checked annually.
It is the responsibility of the owner / skipper to have sufficient lifesaving equipment
on board for all that sail with you, and to instruct anyone on board of their location,
their use and the relevant procedures for their use.
Refer to the supplied manuals
with the equipment.