Fresh Aero FlightLights
TLR Light Lens Mounting Kit
For Sonex Aircraft
Installing the TLR Light Lens
Parts and Tools Required:
TLR lens and lens mounting kit
This manual with all templates
Tool for cutting lens opening in leading edge
Files/de burring tool for de burring lens opening
“Dremel” tool or other acrylic plastic cutting tools
Small Philips head screwdriver
Drill motor, 1/8 inch drill
Small clamps, felt tip marker, masking tape, duct tape
Locate the aircraft on a flat, level, dry and debris free surface and chock tires to prevent
The following procedures assume the wing leading edge skin is mounted and secure.
Determine the mounting location of your leading edge light and lens. The light and lens
must be centered between wing ribs. We recommend an outboard location. There is very
little wing loading and skin bending moments at the outboard locations. The Sonex OneX
may be an exception to this recommendation as the section inboard of the wing fold is a
separate skin section and is inherently rigid.
Cutting the Lens Opening
The templates are located in the appendix at the end of this manual. The templates are
an integral part of the lens installation. We recommend that you make actual size copies of
these templates and keep them in a safe place in case the originals are damaged or misplaced.
1.1 Find the Lens Template (T1) in the appendix. Use scissors to cut out the lens opening
(red line). Cut as accurately as possible. Attach the template to the wing leading edge
at the selected location (between ribs) using the guide lines on the template to position
it correctly between the rivet lines on the wing (photo 1). Determine the apex of the
wing leading edge (forward
most surface on the leading
edge (see note below). Draw
short horizontal lines on the
apex at each side or the
template with a fine tip felt