S15 Water inlet valve:
S15 lights: shows steam generator is inflow
S16 High water level:
S16 lights: shows the water level in water tank reach to high level.
S17 Middle water level:
S17 lights: shows the water level in water tank reach to middle level.
S18 Low water level:
S18 lights: shows the water level in water tank reach to low level.
S19 Water tank temperature:
S19 lights: shows the water tank temperature, if it is over 115 °C, steam generator go into
protection state, controller screen shows “
”, steam generator stop heating. When the
temperature lower than 100°C, steam generator start to work again, (if “
” comes, please
also contact the dealer for maintenance).
S20 Drain valve:
S20 shows the working state of drain valve. The drain valve light “ON”, mean it is draining the
water now.
7.2. Auto Functions
i. Auto filling:
Inlet valve will open automatically once the system is started and fill in water automatically
until the water level reaches maximum level. If water level is still lower than the minimum
water level 10 minutes after, it indicates faults of the water supply system, so all heating
elements will stop working. If the screen display “
”, it means it’s filling in water.
ii. Auto heating up by sections:
Generator will compare the measured room temperature with the setting temperature and
then decides the number of working heating elements.
iii. Auto water supplementing:
If the water level is lower than the desired level when operating, auto water supplementing
function will be on and open the inlet valve, the screen will display “
”. Once the
water level reaches the desired level, auto water supplementing function turns off. If water
level is lower than the desired level 3 minute after the water supplementing order is given, it
indicates faults of the water supply system, so all heating elements stop working.