Safety warnings
Risk of electric shock
Disconnect power supply before installa on or service.
For safety and warranty reasons, Installa on and service of this humidifier should be
carried out by trained and qualified personnel.
Any work related to installa on and service of this humidifier must comply with local code
and regula on regarding safety and preven on of accidents.
Electrical Warning
Risk of electric shock
Disconnect power supply before installa on or service.
Power supply connec on must be done by a trained and qualified electrician.
Any work related to power supply installa on or service of this humidifier must comply
with local code and regula on regarding safety and preven on of accidents.
Water safety warning
Any work related to water supply, drain connec on as well as steam lines and condensate
returns lines installa on or service of such for this humidifier must comply with local code
and regula on regarding safety and preven on of accidents.
Water supply connec on must be done by a trained and qualified plumber.
Risk of malfunc on.
Steam lines should not have any restric on or blockage that
may cause a burst of pressure in the steam line.
Risk of flooding.
In order to avoid any risk of flooding steamOvap recommends a Hi
limit humidity switch installed in the air duct downstream of the steam distribu on
Risk of freezing
. Plan an an -freeze system in case of installa on in a loca on that
would be exposed to outside condi ons and suscep ble of freezing.
Risk of malfunc on.
Do not block steam outlet(s).