Parameter Explanation
Print control header string
The print control header string is composed of the card arrangement direction parameter, the
X coordinate specification parameter string, the Y coordinate specification parameter string,
and a comma for separating each parameter.
The print control header string can be omitted altogether.
If omitted, the device expands the memory from the next character position after the previous
electronic statement.
Print control header string = card arrangement direction specification parameter ‘,' (comma) X
coordinate specification parameter ‘,' (comma) Y coordinate specification parameter
Print control header string and print text data description example
Visual Card1.Communication (&h41, “2,0,23, STAR Micronics (Corp.)”, 0, False ); This
expands “STAR Micronics (Corp.)” by additional writing to a vertical card at the (X coordinate
and Y coordinate) = (0, 23).
• Card arrangement direction specification parameter
’0’: Vertical card + overwrite
‘1’: Horizontal card + overwrite
‘2’: Vertical card + added writing
‘3’: Horizontal card + added writing
These four parameters specify how to write.
• ',’ (Commas)
Required to separate parameters.
• X coordinate specification parameter
Specifies whether to expand the X coordinate of the bottom left edge of the text data to
expand to each print expansion buffer.
When the card arrangement direction specification is ‘0,’
‘2’: ‘0’ to ‘319’
When the card arrangement direction specification is ‘1,’
‘3’: ‘0’ to ‘479’
• Y coordinate specification parameter
Specifies whether to expand the Y coordinate of the upper left edge of the text data to expand
to each print expansion buffer.
When the card arrangement direction specification is ‘0,’
‘2’: ‘0’ to ‘479’
When the card arrangement direction specification is ‘1,’
‘3’: ‘0’ to ‘319’