Software Manual
PDF417 printing - Sample 2
Private Sub Command5_Click()
Printer.Font.Name = "Printer 17cpi Tall"
Printer.Print "PDF417 Test Print for VB 6.0"
Printer.Font.Name = "Printer 17cpi"
Printer.Print "DATA:"
Printer.Print " http://.star-m.jp/"
Printer.Print "PDF417:";
Printer.Font.Name = "PDF417"
Printer.Print "S023";
' Specifies the barcode size.
Printer.Print "E3";
' Specifies the ECC level.
Printer.Print "M3"
' Specifies the X-direction size of the PDF417 module.
Printer.Print "A3"
' Specifies the aspect ratio of the PDF417 module.
Printer.Print "D";
' Specifies bar code data.
Printer.Font.Name = "DATA1"
' DATA1 = 0x0000 - 0x005F
Printer.Print Chr(&H31);
Specifies the number of barcode data bytes.
Printer.Print Chr(&H20);
Printer.Font.Name = "ESC_FONT"
' ESC_FONT = 0x0020 - 0x007F
Printer.Print "http://.star-m.jp/";
Printer.Print.Name = "PDF417"
Printer.Print "P"
' Prints bar code data.
End Sub