Software Manual
End Page Detect
It is possible to change how the TSP100 futurePRNT detects the end of the receipt.
■ Cut or Feed to Tearbar Commands
Select this option if the TSP100 futurePRNT should treat the “Cut” command as a signal that the
receipt has ended.
■ Form Feed Command
Select this option if the TSP100 futurePRNT should treat a Form Feed command as a signal that the
receipt has ended.
Note: In the page end detection function, the “Form Feed” command is available only in
the Star Line mode, and not in the ESC/POS mode.
■ Consecutive Line Feeds
Select this option if the TSP100 futurePRNT should treat a configurable number of line feeds as a
signal that the receipt has ended. Enter the number of line feeds for the trigger in the ecutive Line Feeds”