D-F0390 NP-326 Product specifications Ver.0.02
52) Japanese Kanji Double height and width set / reset: << FS W n >>
: [1C] h + [57] h + n
* [00
FF] h
Description : Set / reset double height and width of Japanese Kanji character
Last bit (b0) of “n” is effective.
Default value of “n” is [00] h.
Last bit “b0” has following meanings
b0 Function
Rest double height and width
Reset double height and width
53) Sending the printer information: << ESC s n >>
Code : [1B] h + [73] h + n
* [n=02] h
Sending the printer information
n has following meanings
n(hex) Function
Printer model information
Format sending back from the printer:
FFh + n (
1) + ASCII string (
1 n value defined by the command (=[02] h)
2 Ended with Null (=[00] h)
54) Macro definition, start and end
:<< GS : >>
: [1D] h + [3A] h
Assigns Macro definition start and end. The size of data defined by Macro
is up to 1,024 bytes. Exceeding to 1,024 byte cannot be defined.
* Defined Macros cannot be cleared by “Printer initialization”.
Therefore “printer
initialization” can be included in the Macro definition.
* During the Macro definition, printing can proceed.
* Once Macro is defined, the contents become effective until software is reset, power is
set off.