V 1.4
For technical questions call: 1-800-665-8685
Mount the spare tire onto the spare tire bracket as shown in Fig. 25 by removing the two M10 self
locking nuts, placing the spare tire onto the studs, and tightening the M10 self locking nuts using a
14mm socket and socket wrench.
Fig. 23
Fig. 24
Fig. 25
Install the utility container bracket and utility container. Locate the utility container bracket quick release
hasp and band (Fig. 26), and body brace which may already be on the body, (Fig. 27, circled). Attach
the quick release hasp and band to the utility container bracket with the Philips screws and nuts on the
band and tighten using a Philips screwdriver and a box end wrench. Place the body brace on the body
and align the holes on the vehicle body behind the drivers side, as shown in Fig. 27, circled. Remove
the M10 self locking nuts from the studs and remove the four M8 x 20mm panhead screws and self
locking nuts from the lower support bracket. Insert the M10 studs on the utility container bracket through
the body brace and hand tighten the M10 nuts. Place the bottom brace of the utility container bracket
onto the bottom of the bracket and attach to the body using the four M8 x 20mm panhead screws.
Tighten these using a Philips screwdriver and 12mm box end wrench. Tighten the two M10 nuts using a
14mm socket and socket wrench. Place the utility container onto the bracket and secure using the quick
release hasp as shown in Fig. 28.
Fig. 26
Fig. 27
Fig. 28