Pilot will not light
No gas
Check gas is turned on.
Safety interlock preventing
Wait 5 minutes & attempt to relight.
Control knob not fully pressed.
Ensure control knob is being fully
Disconnected piezo igniter.
Connect piezo cable.
Air in gas lines
Call your qualified service technician.
Insufficient gas pressure.
Call your qualified service technician.
Damaged pilot hood.
Call your qualified service technician.
Blocked orifice.
Call your qualified service technician.
Defective control valve.
Call your qualified service technician.
Faulty piezo igniter
Call your qualified service technician.
Pilot lights but goes out
Insufficient flame impingement on
Call your qualified service technician.
when the control knob
is released.
Incorrect position of thermocouple.
Call your qualified service technician.
Weak milli volt current.
Call your qualified service technician.
Poor electrical contacts.
Call your qualified service technician.
Burners will not light.
Control knob may not be
Turn control knob anti-clockwise to a
turned to correct position.
heat output setting.
Air in gas lines.
Call your qualified service technician.
Incorrect inlet pressure.
Call your qualified service technician.
Blocked orifice.
Call your qualified service technician.
Faulty control valve.
Call your qualified service technician.
Heater operates normally
Blocked flue.
Clear blockage.
then goes out within
Insufficient draught leading to the
10 minutes.
switch activating.
Call your qualified service technician.
Defective vent safety switch.
Call your qualified service technician.
Noise in pilot/burners
Excessive gas pressure.
Call your qualified service technician.
Draught hood spillage.
Chimney or venting system not
Increase height.
high enough.
Chimney or venting system blocked Clear blockage.
Leaks in chimney or venting
Seal joints.
system joints.
Insufficient air supply when other
Call your qualified service technician.
air using appliances are in
Flame characteristics:
Hard sharp flame
Excessive primary air.
Reduce air intake.
Yellow flame
Insufficient primary air supply.
Increase air intake.
Over sized burner orifice.
Call your qualified service technician.
Lifting flame
Excessive gas pressure.
Call your qualified service technician.
Small sharp flame
Clogged burner orifice.
Call your qualified service technician.
Semi clogged gas supply line.
Call your qualified service technician.
Excessively low gas pressure.
Call your qualified service technician.