Major Components
Resistance System
The alternator and transmission connect to the
chassis of StepMill as shown.
The alternator’s connection pivots allowing the
poly-V belt to be tensioned. Tension to 40-54
lbs*inch, or 1/4 of a turn (90 degrees) of
deflection. Ensure the belt is not too tight, or
damage to the alternator bearings or
transmission housing can occur.
The inner pulley of the transmission has a set
screw so the poly-V belt can be aligned with the
alternator pulley.
Wiring connections to Alternator:
W5: White-B+ Alt. output voltage
W3: Brown
Field, Alternator Control Current
W6: Black
Ground, Alternator return
W4: Blue
Tach, velocity signal to console
Last revised 10/5/15