Frequency response
The upper range of the view shows the fre-
quency response of the input channel, depend-
ing on the adjustment of the input amplification
and the sound control.
On the top right of the diagram it is possible
to select the presentation as a magnitude fre-
quency response “Mag” or phase frequency
response “Phase”.
When the button “Show cursor” is clicked, a
graphical reference point (
, , , ,
) is
shown next to the curve for each filter (
lar to fig. 16). By means of the mouse the filters
can now graphically be adjusted by moving
these points with regard to frequency and level
attenuation (if admitted by the filter
type selected).
When the button “Show cursor” is clicked
again, these reference points will disappear. Noise Gate
To suppress low interfering noise in signal inter-
vals, a Noise Gate is available in each input
In the list field select under “Noise Gate” if the
interfering suppression is to be activated (ON) or
not (OFF). To change the operating parameters
for the Noise Gate:
1) Click the button “Edit” next to the list field. The
window “Noise Gate Configuration” (
fig. 14)
opens and shows the Noise Gate parameters
for all inputs.
2) Click the arrows next to the input fields to
adjust the desired values.
“Threshold”: threshold value below which a
signal is suppressed
release time during which a sig-
nal is still audible after falling
below the threshold value
attack time, defines the delay
between exceeding of the
threshold value and passing-
through of the signal
3) To memorize the changes made, click the
button “Store” and confirm the procedure in
the dialog window which opens “Upgrade
Noise Gate Configuration – Are you sure?” or
cancel the procedure.
4) Click the button “Exit” to extinguish the win-
dow “Noise Gate Configuration”.
View of an output channel
This view (
fig. 17) offers a clearly arranged
presentation for all parameters of the correspon-
ding output. When changing the values, it is pos-
sible to link the output channels to facilitate the
input of the same values for several output chan-
nels (
chapter 6.4.6). Muting
As an alternative to muting in the view “Gains”
chapter 6.4.3) the output can also be muted
in this view.
To mute or to cancel the muting, click the
button “Mute”. With the channel muted, the but-
ton is red. Selecting the input signals
Via the assignment matrix (on the top right)
select the input signals for the output channel.
Each line of the matrix represents an input chan-
nel, each column an output channel. Click a
node point to assign an input to an output (the
square at the node point is green) or cancel the
assignment. Under “Routing Mix” it is possible to
attenuate the level of each assigned input signal
by up to 30 dB using the sliding control (the
attenuation only applies to this output channel).
Thus, different signal mixings can be obtained
for the outputs. Via the button “Reset Routing”,
after confirming the safety prompt, all assign-
ments are reset.
The channel assignment is shown in the
views “Overview” (
fig. 11) and “Delays”
fig. 12) by coloured lines and can there like-
wise be changed. Signal delay
Under “Delay” the delay for the output signal
can be adjusted. The unit (meter or milliseconds)
can be changed in the view “Delays” (
To change the delay value, click the arrows
next to the input field: Make a coarse adjustment
with the arrows above “Adj”, a fine adjustment
with the arrows above “Fine”. Alternatively, the
value can also directly be entered into the field.
Then the number entered is rounded to the next
possible value.
This is the same parameter as in the view
“Delays” (
chapter 6.4.2). High pass filter and low pass filter
In combination, the high pass and low pass fil-
ters of the outputs should primarily fulfil the func-
tion of a crossover network for frequency-depen-
dent distribution of one input signal to two or
several output channels. When adjusting the fil-
ters, it is useful that the frequency response of
several outputs can be shown in one diagram
1) To adjust the high pass filter, enter the cut-off
frequency in the field “Frequency [Hz]” under
“High Pass filter” and select from the list
“Slope” the filter characteristic or “Bypass” if
the filter is not to be used (details about the fil-
ter characteristic
chapter 5.4.5).
2) To adjust the low pass filter, enter the cut-off
frequency in the field “Frequency [Hz]” under
“Low Pass filter” and from the list “Slope”
select the filter characteristic or “Bypass” if
the filter is not to be used (details about the fil-
ter characteristic
chapter 5.4.5).
3) For the filter characteristics “Custom…” to
adjust additional parameters click one of the
two buttons “Edit”. Then the window “Edit
custom filter High / Low Pass …” (
fig. 18)
Contrary to the presentation of the fre-
quency response in the main window of the
output channel (
chapter, in this
case only the change of the frequency
response by the high pass filter and low pass
filter is shown.
On the top right of the diagram it is possi-
ble to select the presentation of magnitude
frequency response “Mag” or phase fre-
quency response “Phase”.
Depending on the filter characteristic
“Custom…” selected, additional input fields
for further parameters are inserted. Via the
buttons “ButtW” and “L-Riley” the filter char-
acteristics Butterworth and Linkwitz-Riley
may be preset, if possible, as a basis for an
individual adjustment. Sound control
Under “EQ” it is possible to adjust the 7 inde-
pendent filters of the output channel, as already
described for the input channels (
chapter Frequency response
The upper range of the view shows the fre-
quency response of the output channel, depend-
ing on the adjustment of the high pass and low
pass filters, the sound control and the output
On the top right of the diagram it is possible
to select between the presentation of magnitude
frequency response “Mag” and phase frequency
response “Phase”.
The buttons below the diagram allow to
define if only the adjustments of the output chan-
nel “Output” are to be shown or also the adjust-
ments of an input channel e. g. “Out + In A” are
to be considered for the presentation.
The curves of the other output channels
may in addition be inserted or extinguished on
the right next to the diagram via the buttons
named accordingly (
fig. 19). Thus, it can e. g.
be shown how the magnitude frequency
responses of the channels of a crossover net-
work complete one another.
When the button “Show cursor” is clicked, a
graphical reference point (
, , , , , ,
is shown next to the curve (
fig. 16) for each
filter for the presentation of a magnitude fre-
quency response. By means of the mouse the fil-
ters can now graphically be adjusted by moving
these points with regard to frequency and level
attenuation (if admitted by the filter
type selected).
When the button “Show cursor” is clicked
again, the reference points will disappear. Compressor
To change the parameters of the compressor,
move the corresponding control under “RMS
Compressor” with the mouse or, with a control
selected, on the keyboard with the arrow keys or
the scrolling keys. (Details about the function
and the parameters of the compressor
ter 5.4.7)
To bypass the compressor or to reactivate it,
click the small box “Compressor bypass”. With
the tick placed, the compressor is deactivated.
When the button “View RMS Compressor” is
clicked, the window “RMS Compressor & Peak
Filter curve with marks