Proceed as in step 4) for a fast frequency
6) To exit the submenu, press the knob ESC.
7) The low pass filter can be adjusted in the
same way. For this purpose call the menu
in step 2).
Adjusting the sound control (EQ 1 to 7)
In addition to the high pass filter and low pass fil-
ter, each output has 7 filters which can be
adjusted independently. Via the function EQ
Bypass these filters can completely be bal-
1) Select an output with its button EDIT/ MUTE
2) Use the rotary knob PM1/ ENTER to select
the menu item
EQ Byp
and press the knob to
confirm. The present adjustment is shown.
3) Use the rotary knob PM2 to define if the
filters of this channel are to be effective
ƊEQ Bypass = Off
) or bypassed (
Bypass = On
). A change is effective imme-
4) To exit the submenu, press the knob ESC.
For each of the 7 filters (
) the
following parameters may be adjusted. The
deactivation of the function described above (
Bypass = Off
) is a prerequisite for the
change of these parameters. Otherwise a note
on this subject will appear when calling one of
the following submenu items. Bypass
This function only allows to bypass the filter
1) Select an output with its button EDIT/ MUTE
2) Use the rotary knob PM1/ ENTER to select
the desired filter (
) and press
the knob to confirm. The present adjustment
is shown, e. g.
3) Use the rotary knob PM2 to define if the
selected filter is to be effective (
or bypassed (
). A change is effec-
tive immediately.
4) To exit the submenu, press the knob ESC.
With active bypass function (
) it is not
possible to change the other parameters of this
filter. Selecting the filter type
17 filter types with different characteristics are
available. To change the filter type:
1) Select an output with its button EDIT/ MUTE
2) Use the rotary knob PM1/ ENTER to select
the desired filter (
) and press
the knob to confirm. The present adjustment
is shown, e. g.
Out-1 Low-A EQ-1 Ƅ
ƊByp=Off Type=Peaking_Eq
In addition to the filter type (
a symbol for its characteristic (
) is shown on
the top right:
3) Select the filter type with the rotary knob
PM3. A change is effective immediately.
The following filter types can be selected:
Ƅ Peaking_Eq
(Peaking Equalizer)
filter with bell characteristic with adjustable
gain / attenuation, mid-frequency and quality
ƃ Hi-Shelv_1
(High Shelving Filter 1)
high frequency filter of first order with shelv-
ing characteristic
The level at the adjustable cut-off frequency
is 3 dB below/ above the adjusted gain / atten-
uation; the slope is 6 dB / octave.
ƃ Hi-Shelv_2
(High Shelving Filter 2)
high frequency filter of second order with
shelving characteristic
The level at the adjustable cut-off frequency
is 3 dB below/ above the adjusted gain / atten-
uation; the slope is 12 dB / octave.
ƃ Hi-Shelv_Q
(High Shelving Filter Q)
symmetric high frequency filter with shelving
The level at the adjustable cut-off frequency
is half of the adjusted gain / attenuation; the
slope depends on the adjustable quality fac-
Ƃ Lo-Shelv_1
(Low Shelving Filter 1)
low frequency filter of first order with shelving
The level at the adjustable cut-off frequency
is 3 dB below/ above the adjusted gain / atten-
uation; the slope is 6 dB / octave.
Ƃ Lo-Shelv_2
(Low Shelving Filter 2)
low frequency filter of second order with
shelving characteristic
The level at the adjustable cut-off frequency
is 3 dB below/ above the adjusted gain / atten-
uation; the slope is 12 dB / octave.
Ƃ Lo-Shelv_Q
(Low Shelving Filter Q)
symmetric low frequency filter with shelving
The level at the adjustable cut-off frequency
is half of the adjusted gain / attenuation; the
slope depends on the adjustable quality fac-
Ɓ Low Pass_1
(Low Pass Filter 1)
low pass filter of first order with an attenua-
tion of 3 dB at the cut-off frequency and a
slope of 6 dB / octave
Ɓ Low Pass_2
(Low Pass Filter 2)
low pass filter of second order with an atten-
uation of 3 dB at the cut-off frequency and a
slope of 12 dB / octave
Ɓ Low Pass_Q
(Low Pass Filter Q)
low pass filter with variable quality factor
ƀ HighPass_1
(High Pass Filter 1)
high pass filter of first order with an attenua-
tion of 3 dB at the cut-off frequency and a
slope of 6 dB / octave
ƀ HighPass_2
(High Pass Filter 2)
high pass filter of second order with an atten-
uation of 3 dB at the cut-off frequency and a
slope of 12 dB / octave
ƀ HighPass_Q
(High Pass Filter Q)
high pass filter with variable quality factor
ƅ All Pass_1
(All Pass Filter 1)
All pass filter with constant magnitude fre-
quency response and a phase shift of 90° for
the adjustable frequency.
ƅ All Pass_2
(All Pass Filter 2)
All pass filter with constant magnitude fre-
quency response and a phase shift of 180°
for the adjustable frequency.
Ƅ Band Pass
(Band Pass Filter)
band pass filter with a passband around the
adjustable frequency. The bandwidth is
defined by the adjustable quality factor.
Ƅ Notch Fil
(Notch Filter)
notch filter for narrow-band attenuation of the
level around the adjustable frequency.
The rate of the attenuation is defined by the
adjustable quality factor. Changing filter parameters
1) Select an output with its button EDIT/ MUTE
2) Use the rotary knob PM1/ ENTER to select
the desired filter (
) and press
the knob to confirm. The present adjustment
is shown, e. g.
Out-1 Low-A EQ-1 Ƅ
ƊByp=Off Type=Peaking_Eq
3) Press the knob ENTER. The present filter
parameters are now shown, e. g.
Ɗ 1000Hz +11.5dB Q=1.1
i. e. mid-frequency = 1000 Hz,
gain = 11.5 dB, filter quality factor = 1.1
Note: The availability of a parameter depends
on the filter type selected.
4) Adjust the frequency with the rotary knob
PM1/ ENTER. A change is effective immedi-
For faster frequency changes, press the
knob. The lower line of the display now
shows e. g.:
ƊEdit Frequ = 1000Hz
The frequency can now purposefully be
changed with the rotary knobs PM1 in steps
of 100 Hz, PM2 in steps of 10 Hz and PM3 in
steps of 1 Hz. To return to the higher menu
level, press the knob ESC.
5) Adjust the gain
attenuation with the rotary
knob PM2.
6) Adjust the filter quality factor with the rotary
knob PM3. A change is effective immediately.
To return to the next higher menu level, press
the knob ESC. To exit the adjusting menu, press
the knob ESC repeatedly or deselect the output
selected first.
Compressor (Compressor)
The compressor reduces the dynamic range and
attenuates the level above an adjustable thresh-
old. This is necessary if the dynamic range of the
audio signal is higher than allowed by the ampli-
fier system or the listening situation (e. g. in case
of background music). It is also possible to
reduce level differences (e.
g. for changing
microphone distances) or to attenuate signal
peaks in order to allow a higher gain setting and
thus to obtain a higher average volume.
The compressor responds to the effective
value (RMS) of the signal. The activity of the com-
pressor is shown by the LED LIMIT of the output
indication (9). In addition, it is possible to show
the level reduction caused by the compressor
instead of the output level (
chapter 5.4.11).
1) Select an output with its button EDIT/ MUTE
2) The adjustments of the compressor are
divided into three menu items
Select the first of them with the rotary knob
PM1/ ENTER and press the knob to confirm.
The present adjustment is shown, e. g.
Out-1 Low-A RMS Cmp
ƊBypass = Off
3) Use the rotary knob PM2 to define if the com-
pressor is to be used for this output
Bypass = Off
) or bypassed (
Bypass =
). A change is effective immediately.
4) To exit the submenu, press the knob ESC.
5) Use the rotary knob PM1/ ENTER to select
the next menu item and press the knob to
The present adjustment is shown, e. g.
Out-1 Low-A RMS Cmp
ƊThr=+11.8dBu Rto=10:1