STACK Dash-2 Kart Logger
5. Using the Dash-2 Charts
Users Guide
Lap Times
This chart displays wheel speed, and lap time.
This is a nice overview of the laptimes achieved in a
session, without the detail of the rolling laptime
Rolling lap time
This chart displays speed and rolling lap time.
The rolling lap time is the time taken to complete a
whole lap of the track at any point on the circuit.
The usefulness of this is that seldom do you achieve
your best times measured from the start line.
Interesting features of this presentation are that
you can easily judge the driver consistency from the
amount of variation in the trace. The example shows
the learning curve of a driver introduced to a track
for the first time. The two “blocks” at 5000 and
7500m are where a mistake was made which took a
whole lap to lose their effect on the lap time.