Return to home (RTH) reasons
Error Message:
What to do:
RTH requested by user
User selected “Return to
home” in the tracker menu
The RTH can be aborted by
user. If auto RTH is
aborted, the drone will not
go to automatic RTH again
at 40% battery level.
RTH due to low battery
If you are in Water staak or
Pro staak with the RTH
selected the drone will do a
auto RTH when it reaches
40% battery remaining.
The RTH can be aborted by
user. If auto RTH is
aborted, the drone will not
go to automatic RTH again.
RTH due to high battery
Battery is too hot. The drone
will go to preselected
landing mode.
You cannot abort this
RTH due to low battery
Battery is too cold. The
drone will go to preselected
landing mode.
You cannot abort this
RTH due to lost tracker link The drone will hover for 1
minute then do a RTH if link
is not reestablished.
Try to move closer to the
drone. keep a clear path
between the drone and the
tracker. Other antennas
can also interfere with the
Staaker link signal.
Return to Home
will only happen if you are in
Water Staak
Pro Staak
with the
Return to Home
setting enabled. If you lose connection with the tracker while
mode, the drone will engage automatic
Return to Home