Fork Removal
Use your thumb to pry the thickest section of each frame bumper away
Use your thumb to pry the thickest section of each frame bumper away
from the upper tubes. Spray isopropyl alcohol or water between each
from the upper tubes. Spray isopropyl alcohol or water between each
bumper and upper tube. Twist the frame bumpers back and forth until
bumper and upper tube. Twist the frame bumpers back and forth until
they are loose on the upper tube.
they are loose on the upper tube.
Remove the frame bumpers from the upper tubes.
Remove the frame bumpers from the upper tubes.
Loosen the lower crown pinch bolt. Slide the upper tubes through the
Loosen the lower crown pinch bolt. Slide the upper tubes through the
lower crown and remove the fork from the bicycle.
lower crown and remove the fork from the bicycle.
Clean the upper tubes and the inside surface of the upper and lower
Clean the upper tubes and the inside surface of the upper and lower
Remove the bicycle from the bicycle work stand and set it aside.
Remove the bicycle from the bicycle work stand and set it aside.
4 mm