Squire Technologies - Confidential Document
When a message is received by the SVI-STP the SSME engine from the linkset will determine the
routing criteria profile which is then used to determine what the SSME will do with the message
From the linkset the SSME will check the XML configuration and find a match against the <Linkset>
element. The name of the linkset that the message was received (from the SVI-STP resource
configuration) will be compared against the linkset name.
If found then either the <Linkset> or the <LinksetProfile> element reference will supply the SSME the
routing criteria for the message
The routing criteria will be the <LsEp> followed by the mtpRouting attribute if configured.
The default behaviour of checking for a match is that the <LsEp> elements will be checked in turn for
a route, if route is not found then move to the next <LsEp> element in the list, if no more <LsEp>
elements are present then use the <Ep> listed by the mtpRouting attribute.
Depending on the return of processing the following will be performed:
If ignore is returned then it will always discard the message
If reject is returned the it will send a UDTS (if the protocol is SCCP and the return on Error
Flag is set) to the Calling Address, otherwise the message discard
If a route is returned then the default behaviour is to forward the message on that route, this
can be overridden with the onRouteJump or onRouteMatch attributes
On any other return the default behaviour is to move to the <LsEp> in the list.
If no more <LsEp> elements exist in the list, then the Entry Point pointed to by the MtpRouting
attribute is processed and if that returns Route the message is transmitted using the return route.
If no route is returned by MtpRouting or it is not present the SVI-STP will attempt to forward the
message using the Internal MTP Routing configured the SVI-STP resources.
This element is used to allow multiple linksets to use a common profile, for example all linksets being
received at the same point code might need to use the same routing algorithm.