Power-Style™ QED-2 Switchboards
Section 7—Maintaining the Switchboard
© 1988–2018 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
Bolt-Loc Bolted Pressure Contact Switch Maintenance (800–4,000 A)
Refer to the Bolt-Loc switch installation and maintenance manual for complete
information (manual is shipped with the switchboard). If the manual is not available,
refer to “Section 11—Reference Publications” on page 54, and contact your local
Schneider Electric representative to obtain the appropriate manuals.
1. Exercise the operating mechanism at least once a year to ensure
proper operation.
2. The Bolt-Loc switch is shipped from the factory properly lubricated. Periodic
cleaning and lubrication of the switch is required. The maintenance interval
between lubrications depends on factors such as usage and ambient
conditions. The maximum recommended maintenance interval is one year for
current-carrying parts and five years for operating mechanisms.
3. To replace the fuse:
a. Open the switch before opening the fuse door.
b. Open the fuse door, releasing the interlock as described in the instructions
on the door.
c. Observe the switch blades to confirm the switch is “open.”
d. Check the line and load ends of fuses for voltage using a properly rated
voltage sensing device. No voltage should be present.
Always check line and load ends of the fuses for voltage before starting the
replacement procedure. The Bolt-Loc switch can be part of a multiple source
system in which the fuses can be energized when the Bolt-Loc switch is in the
“open” position.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.
Figure 30 – Type BP Bolt-Loc Fusible Switch