SQ PC 3156 01-11-17 |
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Rice Cooker Operating Manual
aBout rice
Rice is a valuable source of low fat, complex car
bo hy dra tes and is abundant in thia min (B
), nia
cin (B
) and iron. It is an essential ingredient for
a healthy diet. There are many different va rie ties
of rice available in the market. Your
SQPro Rice
can cook any type perfectly every time.
The following are the commonly available varie
ties of rice and their cha ra cte ri stics:
long grain rice
Typically this rice (Basmati rice) is not starchy
and has loose, individual grains after cooking.
short grain rice
Short grain is characteristically soft, sticky and
chewy. This rice is usually used to make sushi.
“Pearl Rice”, so often called for its round shape,
is extra sticky and is excellent for making rice
BroWn rice
Brown rice is considered the heal thiest variety.
It has bran layers on the rice grains and con
tains more B complex vitamins, iron, cal cium
and fibre than polished (white) rice. The most
popular brown rice is long grain, which has a
chewy texture.
Wild rice
Wild Rice comes in many delicious varieties
and mixes. It is often mixed with long grain rice
for its firmer texture and rich brown to black
color. Wild rice makes wonderful stuffing for
poultry when cooked with broth and mixed
with your favorite dried fruits.
After cooking, allow rice to stand
for 5-10 mi nu tes without removing
the lid. This will ensure that rice is
cooked tho roughly.
Disconnect the appliance from
the po wer supply, then remove
the inner cooking pot from the
rice cooker using the oven gloves.
Place it on a heat proof surface
and stir the rice. Serve as quickly as
Before cooking rinse the rice thorough
ly to remove excess bran and starch.
This will help reduce browning and
sticking to the bottom of the pot, but
it may also reduce nutrients in the rice.
If you have experienced any sticking
due to the type of rice you are cooking,
try adding a light coating of vegetable
oil to the bottom of the inner pot be
fore adding rice.
Raisins and dried fruit will absorb as
much water as rice, so put them inti
the measuring cup along with the rice.