Sprint PCS Cell Phone Getting Started Download Page 15

Your Phone’s Special

External Display

Your phone’s external LCD display lets you see who’s calling
without opening the flip.

Silent Mode

You may silence all of the phone’s sounds by pressing and holding
the volume down button on the side of the phone. All sounds will
be restored the next time the phone powers up, or you may simply
press and hold the volume up button to return to normal mode.

Section 10

Special Features 15

Sprint PCS Voice Command


With Sprint PCS Voice Command,, you can call a number just by
saying a name.

Get started by setting up your Personal Address Book



. The first time you use it, you will hear a

tutorial before moving on to the next step.


You’ll hear a tone followed by the prompt “Ready.” Say “Add
Name” to begin setting up your Personal Address Book.

Making a call with Sprint PCS Voice Command


Press . 


You’ll hear a tone followed by the prompt “Ready.”


After the prompt, say “Call” and the name of the person or the
number you want called.


Your request will be repeated and you will be asked to verify. Say
“Yes” to call the number or person. Say “No” to cancel.

Accessing information using Sprint PCS Voice Command


Press .


Say “Call the Web.”


Choose from a listing of information categories like e-mail,
news, weather, sports and more.




Section 9

14 Sprint PCS Service Features

Summary of Contents for Cell Phone

Page 1: ...ed iii 1 YourNewSprintPCSPhone 2 YourPhone sFeatures 3 2 TurningYourPhoneOnandOff 4 TurningYourPhoneON 4 TurningYourPhoneOFF 4 3 UsingtheBatteryandCharger 5 InstallingandRemovingtheBattery 5 ChargingtheBattery 5 4 MakingandAnsweringCalls 6 MakingCalls 6 AnsweringCalls 6 SignalStrength 6 5 ControllingYourRoamingExperience 7 SettingYourPhone sRoamMode 7 CallGuard 8 FeatureAvailability 8 6 InternalPh...

Page 2: ...ake With SprintPCS wegiveyouwhatyoureallywantfromawirelessservice provider clearcalls easy to understandserviceplansandself servicingoptionsformanagingyouraccount Allthisisdesignedto makeyourlifeeasierandworryfree Weknowyou reeagertostartusingyourphonerightawayandthis guideisdividedintotwosectionsthataredesignedtohelpyoudo justthat Thefirstsectionwillguideyouthroughthestepsrequiredtoset upyourSpri...

Page 3: ...siting www sprintpcs com There you llhaveaccesstoyourcomplete phoneuser sguideoryoucantakeanonlinephonetutorial Youronlinephoneuser sguideprovidesinformationonbasicand advancedfeaturesandservices whichincludesinstructionsand informationsuchas LearningAdvancedDialingOptions ManagingCallHistory UsingAdvancedMessaging UsingAdvancedInternalPhoneBookOptions UsingyourPhone sAdvancedSettings SettingyourP...

Page 4: ...equired YourElectronicSerialNumber alsoknownasESN referto step5tolocatethenumber Thecityandstatewhereyourphonewillbebased Apen 2 2 Settingupyourservice Youchoosetheway Thetwofastestways FromyourSprintPCSPhone press Youcanalso UseaphoneotherthanyourSprintPCSPhone dial1 888 715 4588 3 3 SprintPCSServiceAreas Interestedinwhereyoucanuseyournewphone Checkoutthe mostup to datecoveragemapsatwww sprintpcs...

Page 5: ...wntheESN replacethebatteryandturnonyour phonebyholdingdownthe keyforafewseconds PWR END 6 6 SprintPCSClearPaySM Program This section may not apply to you If not skip to section 7 YouareontheSprintPCSClearPayProgram Checkthisboxandreadtheinformationbelow Payyourinvoicebytheduedate Makesureyoudon tusemoreminutesthanareincludedinyour plan Press onyourSprintPCSPhoneatanytime toseehowmanyminutesyouhave...

Page 6: ...s WesternUnion Dial fromyourSprintPCS Phone or1 800 325 6000fromanyphoneforthenearestWesternUnion location A 5transactionfeewillapply Postingtime 12hours YourSprintPCSPhone Press onyourSprintPCSPhone Youcanpay usingacheck Or youcanpaybycreditcardifyouhavean establishedcredithistorywithSprintPCSthatisingoodstanding Postingtime 12hours 7 7 UnderstandingYour SprintPCSServicePlan Nameofmyserviceplan _...

Page 7: ...ance minutesusedandcurrentcharges Changeyourserviceplan AddserviceslikeSprintPCSVoiceCommand Press onyourSprintPCSPhone Clairerespondstoquestionsandstatements sosaythingslike HowmanyminuteshaveIused Iwanttomakeapayment Iwanttochangemyserviceplan Ihaveaquestionaboutmyinvoice We llbeintouch We regladtohaveyouasacustomerandweknowyou llenjoyyour servicemoreifyou rewellinformed Lookforinformationona re...

Page 8: ...Basics of Your Phone Sprint PCS The clear alternative to cellular SM 1 ...

Page 9: ...n Displaysphonestatusiconsandmenuitems 5 PowerOnIndicator LED Flasheswhenphoneispoweringup Alsoflashestoalertyoutoincomingcalls messages scheduler alarmsandmore 6 4 WayNavigator Scrollsthroughmenusanddisplaysthe nextorpreviousentryormessage 7 END PWR Letsyoupowerthephoneonoroff endcallsor returntothemainmenu 8 CLR Letsyouclearanentryorbackupinamenu Your New Sprint PCS Phone 1 HeadsetJack 2 VolumeK...

Page 10: ... the Battery Toinstall insertthebatteryintotheopeningonthebackofthe phoneandgentlypressdownuntilthelatchsnapsintoplace Toremove makesurethepowerisoff Pressthebatteryrelease latchupandremovethebatteryfromthephoneata 45 degreeangle Charging the Battery ItisvitalthatyouuseonlySprintPCS approvedDesktopChargers andACAdapterChargers Useofunauthorizedaccessoriescould damageyourphoneandinvalidateyourwarra...

Page 11: ...SServiceisnotavailable OK OK OK OK Section 5 Controlling Your Roaming Experience 7 Making and Answering Calls Making Calls 1 Makesureyourphoneison 2 Enteraphonenumber Ifyoumakeamistakewhiledialing press toeraseonedigitatatime Or pressandhold toerasetheentirenumber 3 Press todialthenumber 4 Whenyou refinished closethephone press orhighlight EndCallandpress toendthecall Answering Calls 1 Makesureyou...

Page 12: ...K OK OK OK Section 6 Internal Phone Book 9 Call Guard Remindsyouwhenyouaremakingorreceivingaroamingcall andrequiresyoutotakeadditionalstepsbeforeplacingor answeringit Theseadditionalstepsarenotrequiredwhenyou makeorreceivecallswhileontheSprintPCSNationwideNetwork ToTurnCallGuardOn 1 Frommainmenu highlightSettingsandpress 2 HighlightRoamingandpress 3 HighlightCallGuardandpress 4 HighlightOnorOffand...

Page 13: ...odisplayandpress Pressthe4 waynavigatordowntodisplayadditionaltext OK OK OK 1 1 Section 8 Sending and Receiving Messages 11 Changing Your Phone s Settings Changing the Greeting 1 Fromthemainmenu highlightSettingsandpress 2 HighlightDisplayandpress 3 HighlightGreetingandpress 4 HighlightChangeandpress 5 Enteranewnameandpress Adjusting the Ringer Key Beep and Earpiece Volume 1 Fromthemainmenu highli...

Page 14: ...rstto hangup allthreecallersaredisconnected OK OK OK OK OK 0 2 7 Section 9 Sprint PCS Service Features 13 Sprint PCS Service Features Call Waiting Torespondtoanincomingcallwhileyou reonacall HighlightFlashandpress Thisputsthefirstcalleron holdandletsyouanswerthesecondcall Toswitchbetween callers highlightFlashandpress again or HighlightEndCallandpress toendyourfirstcall To answertheincomingcall hi...

Page 15: ...dbysettingupyourPersonalAddressBook 1 Press Thefirsttimeyouuseit youwillheara tutorialbeforemovingontothenextstep 2 You llhearatonefollowedbytheprompt Ready Say Add Name tobeginsettingupyourPersonalAddressBook MakingacallwithSprintPCSVoiceCommand 1 Press 2 You llhearatonefollowedbytheprompt Ready 3 Aftertheprompt say Call andthenameofthepersonorthe numberyouwantcalled 4 Yourrequestwillberepeatedan...

Page 16: ...erlimitRFexposure youcanlimitthedurationofyourcalls andoperateyourphoneinthemostpower efficientmanner In1991 92 the InstituteofElectricalandElectronicsEngineers IEEE andtheAmerican NationalStandardsInstitute ANSI joinedinupdatingANSI s1982 standardforsafetylevelswithrespecttohumanexposuretoRFsignals More than120scientists engineersandphysiciansfromuniversities government healthagenciesandindustrie...

Page 17: ...cilities and request permis sion before using the phone near medical equipment Section 12 Performance and Safety 19 theexistingANSI IEEEstandardandtheguidelinespublishedbythe NationalCouncilofRadiationProtectionsandMeasurements NCRP MaintainingYourPhone sPeakPerformance Thereareseveralsimpleguidelinestooperatingyourphoneproperlyand maintainingsafe satisfactoryservice Holdthephonewiththeantennarais...

Page 18: ...battery Section 12 Performance and Safety 21 TurningOffYourPhoneBeforeFlying Turnoffyourphonebeforeboardinganyaircraft Topreventpossible interferencewithaircraftsystems theU S FederalAviationAdministration FAA regulationsrequireyoutohavepermissionfromacrewmembertouse yourphonewhiletheplaneisontheground Topreventanyriskof interference FCCregulationsprohibitusingyourphonewhiletheplaneisin theair Tur...

Page 19: ...toyourphonenotexpresslyapprovedinthis documentcouldvoidyourwarrantyforthisequipmentandvoidyour authoritytooperatethisequipment Onlyuseapprovedbatteries antennas andchargers Althoughyourphoneisquitesturdy itisacomplexpieceof equipmentandcanbebroken Avoiddropping hitting bendingorsitting onit Body WornOperation TomaintaincompliancewithFCCRFexposureguidelines ifyouweara handsetonyourbody usetheSprint...

Page 20: ...reement Your agreement Agreement with Sprint Spectrum L P and any of its affiliates doing business as Sprint providing PCS Services Services to you is made up of these Terms and Conditions of Service Terms and the Service Plan that we agree to provide you Your Service Plan is described in our marketing materials and includes the terms rates and features we set for that Service Plan In the agreemen...

Page 21: ...is Agreement Safety Terms Conditions 26 effect on you you may terminate the Agreement without an early termination fee by calling 1 888 211 4727 within 30 days after the invoice date of the first invoice your receive after the changes go into effect You understand and agree that taxes Universal Service fees and other charges imposed by the government or based on government calculations may increas...

Page 22: ...our PCS Vision device is connected to the Sprint Nationwide PCS Network PCS Vision Safety Terms Conditions 28 including if you fail to pay any charges for Services or 2 you fail to pay any charges due us for equipment or otherwise If Services are terminated before the end of your current invoicing cycle we will not prorate the monthly recurring charge to the date of termination and you will not re...

Page 23: ...es You are responsible for evaluating such content Use of certain PCS Vision Safety Terms Conditions 30 network you will be incurring data usage charges You are responsible for all data activity from and directed to your PCS Phone regardless of who initiates the activity We will invoice you for all data directed to the internet address or IP address assigned to your device in a given PCS Vision se...

Page 24: ... your Account Spending Limit before we start Services to your Number or as reasonably Safety Terms Conditions 32 wireless services including some messaging services may result in the disclosure to others of your email address and other information about you in connection with your internet usage Your accessing of or use of third party sites or services accessible PCS Vision wireless services may r...

Page 25: ...are not available with all Service Plans Sprint is not responsible for any opinions advice statements services or other information provided by Safety Terms Conditions 34 practicable after the limit is imposed If we require a deposit for you to establish or keep Services on an Account Spending Limit basis we will hold the deposit as partial guarantee of payment for Services see Deposits Charges fo...

Page 26: ...D display on incoming calls to your Number depends on receiving the information from the calling party Safety Terms Conditions 36 third parties and accessible through Wireless Web Services or Voice Portal Services Neither Sprint nor its vendors or licensors guarantees the accuracy completeness or usefulness of information that is obtained through the Wireless Web Services or Voice Portal Services ...

Page 27: ...is Safety Terms Conditions 38 TTYAccess A TTY also known as TDD or Text Telephone is a telecommunications device that allows people who are deaf or hard of hearing or who have speech or language disabilities to communicate by telephone TTY doesn t work with all PCS Phones If you have a PCS TTY capable phone it may not function effectively or at all when attempting 911 calls due to the equipment or...

Page 28: ...ment that are contemplated to be enforceable after the termination of this Agreement survive termination of this Agreement If there is a conflict the Service Plan including any Term Service Plan controls over the Terms Safety Terms Conditions 40 indemnification applies or from the contesting of the applicability of this provision This section survives termination of this Agreement MANDATORYARBITRA...

Page 29: ...rchaseintheformofabillofsaleorreceiptedinvoiceorwarranty repairdocumentwhichisevidencethattheProductiswithinthewarranty periodmustbepresentedtoobtainwarrantyservice Thislimitedwarrantyis nottransferabletoanythirdparty includingbutnotlimitedtoany subsequentpurchaserorowneroftheProducts Transferorresaleofa Productwillautomaticallyterminatewarrantycoveragewithrespectto theProducts Thislimitedwarranty...

Page 30: ...ngdamagecausedbymishandlingandblown fuses x consumables suchasfuses or xi anyProductswhichhave beenopened repaired modifiedoralteredbyanyoneotherthanSprintPCS oraSprintPCSauthorizedservicecenter Thiswarrantydoesnotcovercustomereducation instruction installation setupadjustments orsignalreceptionproblems ThiswarrantyisvalidonlyintheUnitedStates USEWITHACCESSORIESNOTSUPPLIEDBYSPRINTPCSOROTHERWISE NO...

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