Spring Air Systems Truflow-TC Installation and Operating May 2021
Power wiring from the supply variable Frequency drive to the exhaust fan disconnect switch (For
SV controlled supply unit).
Interlock (dry contract) to the supply air unit 120V/1/60 (for Spring Air supply units only for SC
controlled supply unit)
Interlock to the supply fan motor starter 120V/1/60 (for SC controlled supply units)
Supply fan inlet damper end switch dry contact connection proving inlet damper open
Dry contact for summer/winter switch for supply air fan
J-Couple wires in series from RPD-P-TC to each exhaust duct collar
Auxiliary analog output signal speed reference or by-pass damper modulation 4-20 mA
RSS Remote Start/Stop dry contact for interlock with BMS or remote switch
Touch Screen Information
The HMI (Human Machine Interface) is the point of contact for operating the
TruFlow TC system. The information displayed is the normal operating
There are several sub-screens that provide additional information or selections.
The main screen is the DASHBOARD. It displays system status, percentage of
Max system, calculated CFM’s, running Hertz of the VFD along with a visual
status bar. The color of the status bar indicates the amount of savings in energy
that the kitchen is operating to. GREEN represents at or below the target savings setting, YELLOW
indicates at or just above the target and RED indicates that the kitchen is not achieving savings but this is
normally due to the cooking load that may dictate that the system is operating at peak cooking condition.
However, if the cooking load is not at peak and the bar is RED, this would serve to identify that heating
equipment should be turned down or off and allow for energy savings.
The lower portion of the screen has icons as follows:
Turning the system ON and OFF
Overriding the current speed setting to MAX AIR
Setting up and enabling the scheduled START/STOP function
Switching between SUMMER/WINTER conditions for the Supply Air fan
Toggling between Kitchen 1 and Kitchen 2
FAN STATUS sub screen
MESSAGES sub screen
SETTINGS sub screen