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Sporting Saint Remote Launcher products are covered by a 1 year return to
base warranty as laid out below;
Proof of purchase must be retain to validate warranty. Due to the
nature of use no warranty is implied or given on dummies or blanks.
1 year return to base from date of purchase parts and labour
warranty applies to any launcher that meets the criteria as set out
Any product that requires repair within the first three months of
purchase shall be collected from the customer with Sporting Saint
paying the cost of the courier service chosen by Sporting Saint. No
cost for packaging/service is included only the courier service charge
booked by Sporting Saint.
After three months the customer is responsible for the return cost
back to Sporting Saint by whatever service they choose.
Sporting Saint will pay the return to customer courier charges until a
period of 1 year from date of purchase has lapsed.
The launchers are covered for all mechanical and structural faults for
a maximum 1 year period only.
The launcher warranty is not applicable for launchers used in a
commercial environment. This being considered, scurries or working
test, professional trainers or kennels, training groups and clubs
unless otherwise specified.
The launcher has to have been properly maintained, with no
modifications or otherwise or signs of abuse or misuse.
Batteries are not covered under any circumstances.
Launchers found to have used the Red or over powered blanks,
humane blanks or similar are exempt from cover immediately
After 1 year the customer is liable for both parts and labour on any
repairs as well as shipping to and from Sporting Saint
This warranty is not transferable and only applies to the original
purchasing customer.