Scope of delivery
• Variable Mirror-Ball Motor
• Informa�on for use
Op�onal accessories are available:
• Radio receiver module for Snoezelen remote control
• WLAN-module and Snoezelen TouchControl-App
• Mirror balls in various sizes
• Sport-Thieme Snoezelen LED Light Spot
4. Moun�ng
4.1 What you should consider before moun�ng
• The device is only suitable for moun�ng on a ceiling or
similar construc�on. Moun�ng should only be carried
out by qualified personnel.
• The ceiling or construc�on may deviate from the hori-
zontal by a maximum of 3°. If the motor is mounted at
a slant, the motor axle can be damaged.
• Make sure that the ceiling or structure to which the
device is a�ached is sufficiently stable and can support
at least ten �mes the weight of the motor and mirror
• We recommend illumina�ng the mirror ball with a
Sport-Thieme Snoezelen LED Light Spot that is per-
manently mounted in the room.
• The power cord and plug must never be damaged, dis-
connected or altered.
WARNING! Risk of injury caused by falling objects.
Devices in overhead installa�ons may cause severe injuries when crashing down.
Observe all safety notes and instruc�ons in this informa�on for use and the informa�on for use
which you received with the mirror ball from the manufacturer. Make sure that the installa�on complies
with the standards and rules that apply in your country, in par�cular DGUV Vorschri� 17 (former BGV
C1) in Germany.