If you notice your bobbin is not filling along the back, tighten the black screw using ¼
turns clockwise until you see the PaulyWinder fill the back the next time it wanders to
the back of the bobbin.
It is completely normal for the PaulyWinder to wander as it fills the bobbin. It may
wander in the middle, the front, or the back, and wander around filling in valleys and
creating small mountains wandering front to back as your bobbin fills. Each bobbin you
spin will fill in a slightly different way than the bobbin before. Each bobbin is it’s own
journey. This is how the PaulyWinder is designed to work.
Plying using the PaulyWinder
To ply using the PaulyWinder, lace the flyer exactly the same way you would lace to
spin and treadle in a clockwise direction. It is recommended to have extra tension when
plying so that the yarn does not become slack and fly off the fulcrum peg when plying.