The first program is pbdds_i_300_excite_test. This will produce a 1.0 MHz sine wave on the Analog Out connection and
a logical high signal on the Digital Out connection - these signals will turn on for 10 μs and off for 1 ms and will be repeated
indefinitely. The Digital Out on the oscilloscope can be used to trigger the capture of the analog signal.
The signal output can be stopped by using the pb_stop.exe program. The corresponding pb_start.exe will restart the
PBDDS board. Reloading the board with a new program will also stop the execution of any running program.
Next, pbdds_i_300_phase_test will produce a 1.0 MHz output on the Analog Out connection which will turn on for 8 μs
and off for 1 ms. The sin wave will cycle through 4 phase offset registers(one every 2 μs, 90 degrees apart) and will
repeat indefinitely.
To test the AWG feature of the board, use pbdds_i_300_awg. This program will ask for two amplitude values and one
frequency value, and then it will load the board to output two sinc-shaped pulses, one with each amplitude value. This will
repeat every 1 ms.
Along with the executable programs, the folder also contains the C source code of all test programs. Any source code
can be modified, thus allowing the user to start making customized programs as necessary. When SpinAPI tools are
installed on the computer, double-clicking any C source code will launch a graphical integrated environment for easy
editing and rebuilding of new executables via the “Rebuild All” menu functionality.
Figure 4:
BNC T-Adapter on oscilloscope with coaxial
transmission line connected on the left and BNC 50 Ohm
resistor connected on the right, to terminate the line.