Panther HIP-PAC
The facepiece should collapse on your face and
remain collapsed for several seconds without
iii. If the facepiece leaks, exhale onto the ex
halation valve at least six to eight more times.
Reposition the facepiece, check the straps, and
repeat the leak check.
iv. If the facepiece continues to leak, remove it
from service.
v. Have the facepiece inspected and/or repaired
by a SPERIAN-certified repair technician before
i. Again, visually check to verify that the facepiece,
lens, AIR KLIC, and exhalation valve are ice-free.
If it becomes necessary to remove the
facepiece when using the HIP-PAC,
move to a non-hazardous area first.
Failure to comply with this Warning
may lead to serious personal injury, se-
rious illness, or death.
j. If the ambient temperature is near or below freez-
ing, place the facepiece and regulator under outer-
wear to keep it warm in case reuse is necessary.
3. Second Stage Regulator
• Ice on the second stage regulator AIR
KLIC buttons or the facepiece AIR KLIC
adapter may prevent proper engage
ment of the regulator.
• The user must ensure that the regula
tor is properly engaged by rotating and
tugging the regulator to verify that both
release buttons are properly engaged in
• Failure to comply with this Warning
may lead to serious personal injury, se-
rious illness, or death
te. Should ice form on the regulator while the regu-
lator is in the facepiece, it will continue to function
properly. When it becomes necessary to remove
the regulator, rotate the regulator to break off the
ice, then remove the regulator from the facepiece.
f. If the AIR KLIC buttons are frozen and the regula-
tor cannot be removed, do not force the buttons.
Move to a non-hazardous area, depress the regula-
tor shutoff button, and remove the facepiece and
regulator as a unit.
g. If the shutoff button is nonfunctional, turn off the
air supply at the cylinder valve.
h. Remove the facepiece and regulator as a unit.
i. Warm the facepiece and regulator until the normal
function of the AIR KLIC button and/or the shutoff
button returns.
j. Should ice form on the regulator while the regula-
tor is in the regulator receiver, rotate the regulator
to break off the ice, then remove the regulator from
the regulator receiver.
k. If the AIR KLIC buttons are frozen and the regu
lator cannot be removed from the receiver, do not
force the buttons. Unbuckle the waist belt, and
place the belt, regulator receiver and regulator un-
der outerwear next to your body to warm it until the
AIR KLIC button functions properly.
4. Regulator Receiver
a. During cold weather operation, keep the regula
tor receiver cover in place on the regulator receiver
to keep out moisture and debris.
b. Visually inspect the regulator receiver for ice prior
to use.
c. Remove ice by warming the regulator receiver,
placing it under outerwear near the body to warm.
5. Cylinder Valve
a. During cold weather conditions, ice can form on
the cylinder valve.
b. Warm the cylinder valve to melt the ice.
Do not use heat above 160°F (71°C) or
direct flame to melt ice. Failure to com
ply with this Warning may lead to seri-
ous personal injury, serious illness, or
Remove ice and water from cylinder valve threads
prior to filling in cold conditions.
6. Optional Quick-disconnect Fitting or Male Coupling
a. During cold weather conditions, ice may form
on the optional quick-disconnect fitting or the male
b. If the quick-disconnect fitting and the male cou
pling are connected prior to ice buildup, they will
continue to function properly.
a. The second stage regulator must be protected
from moisture during cold weather conditions to
avoid ice buildup on its exterior surfaces. Ice can
interfere with emergency bypass operation or AIR
KLIC button function, which can hinder regulator
removal from the facepiece or from the regulator
b. Visually inspect the external surfaces of the regu-
lator for ice prior to use.
c. If ice is present, it may be melted by placing the
regulator inside outerwear near the body to warm.
d. Again, visually inspect the regulator for ice, then
check the red bypass knob and the AIR KLIC but
tons for proper function.