Graph Functions
• To select a rectangular area on the graph to zoom in for detail:
There are two vertical lines on the graph (CURSOR A and CURSOR B).
Time and value display at the top and right side of each cursor. Move
the mouse cursor over cursor A or B and click to drag the cursor to the
left or right. Directly below cursors A and B is a slider. Alternatively, click
and drag the slider to move cursor A or B. The statistic is located under
the slider. The statistic displays start time, sampling rate, data number,
and maximum and minimum in the graph. The statistic also displays the
maximum, minimum, and average between cursors A and B; these data
will update automatically as cursor A or B is moved.
• To customize the graph style:
Double click on the graph to open the option dialog. Right click the graph
(real time graph is not allowed) to open the popup menu.
• To zoom in on the graph using the mouse:
Click the left mouse button and drag the cursor to select the new graph
boundaries. Release the mouse button. To undo the zoom, right click on
the graph. Select Undo Zoom from the popup menu.
Connect the meter to a PC. Select datalogger from the main menu of
the software or click
from the tool bar to load the recorded data
from the meter. A progress indicator will display the loading progress.
If an error occurs, click datalogger again. After the data loads, the
left side of the screen will show the number of data sets with detailed
information for each data set, including start data, start time, recording
rate and record numbers.
After loading the recorded data from the meter, the first data set will
transfer to the graph and tabulate on the right side. Click any data set to
graph that set. The right side of the screen displays the waveform graph
and statistical information of the selected data set.