Main Menu:
Link Test:
Open Link Test window to search for thermometer connected to PC.
When you start the THERMOLINK, this window will display first and
search for thermometer. The result will be shown in the text box.
Control Panel:
By opening the Control Panel Window, the user can control
thermometer via the button in this window.
By opening the DataLogger Window, the user can load the
recorded data from the thermometer.
By opening the Tabular window, the present data from the
thermometer will be listed in a scrolling table. These data can be
stored as a file or the table can be copy to other software such as
EXCEL for further analysis.
Open Real-Time Graph window to show the present data in graph.
Terminates THERMOLOG program.
Tray Icon:
When THERMOLOG is running, there will be an icon displayed on
the Windows Taskbar area, you can click this icon then it will show
a pop-up menu.