Instructor Transmitter Configuration
1. Select the type of trainer mode for the application (Wired or
Wireless, Programmable Instructor or Pilot Link Instructor).
2. Choose whether or not to enable Instructor Over-Ride. This
setting defines how the instructor can resume control from
the student. When enabled, the instructor must not move the
sticks when the student is given control. Moving the sticks or
moving the selected trainer switch will return control to the
With Instructor Over-Ride disabled, the switch position
determines who is in control.
When Switch I or the right or left trim button is selected,
Instructor Over-Ride is disabled by default. When any other
switch is selected, Instructor Over-Ride is enabled.
3. If Wireless Trainer mode was selected in step 1, Bind the
student transmitter to the instructor transmitter. See the
Binding Wireless Trainer section.
4. Determine which channels to assign to the student when given
control by moving the on-screen switch for each channel.
Students can be given control of a single channel or all
channels, as the instructor sees fit.
Binding Wireless Trainer
Binding the NX10 wireless trainer feature as an instructor
transmitter is not the same as binding the NX10 to an aircraft. The
NX10 has a built-in receiver dedicated to the wireless trainer. The
wireless trainer menu screens include a Bind button within the
1. Touch the Bind button in the Wireless Trainer screen to enter
trainer bind mode.
2. Long press on BIND.
3. Place the student transmitter in normal bind mode.
4. When the transmitters have completed the binding process,
check the settings by opening the monitor screen on the
instructor transmitter,
giving control to the student transmitter and checking the
monitor for correct control outputs.
Head Tracking FPV Setup
Wired FPV Mode:
Enables the use of a headset with head tracking
or another transmitter to control an onboard camera gimbal by
physically connecting to the NX10 with a cable. The optional
Spektrum wired trainer adaptor (SPMA3091, not included) and a
trainer cable (SPM6805, not included) are required for wired FPV
operation. The wired trainer adaptor connects to the serial port on
the back of the transmitter. The trainer cable plugs into the adaptor.
The wired trainer is compatible with PPM based trainer links.
Wireless FPV Mode:
Enables the use of a Spektrum Focal
headset with head tracking or another DSMX or DSM2 transmitter
to control an airborne camera gimbal without connecting the NX10
to a cable. Wireless FPV modes are compatible with any Spektrum
DSMX or DSM2 transmitter and Spektrum Focal headsets.
Each individual output channel can be mapped to any input
channel from the trainer signal, leaving all other controls on the
instructor transmitter. Primary flight control channels default to
instructor control. Leave all channels connected to flight controls
set up as instructor when using a headtracker.
To configure headtracking FPV:
1. Select either Wired or Wireless Trainer from the Trainer menu.
2. Select the FPV trainer mode.
3. Select the switch to enable/disable the head tracker.
4. Select the first
Output Channel
to be controlled. For example, if the
pan servo is plugged into channel 5, select channel 5 as the output.
Each axis of the gimbal will go to a separate output channel.
5. Change the mode to
. This selection only applies to
the selected output channel.
6. Select the
Input Channel
from the trainer that controls the
selected output channel when trainer is activated.
7. Input channels can be reversed or scaled in this menu to
configure the student controls for correct response on the
output channels. Normal servo setup menus for the output
channel will be ignored when the trainer signal is commanding
a given channel.
8. Repeat steps 4–7 to configure all the required output
channels; select the
Output Channel
first, change the mode
, select the
Input Channel
and scale and reverse
the travel as necessary.
9. For wireless connections, touch the
button to put the
NX10 into trainer bind mode before powering on the wireless
head tracker (student transmitter). See the Binding Wireless
Trainer section for more information.