Spektrum DX5r • tranSmitter inStruction manual
The Programmable mixes enable you to assign any channel as a Master or Slave, which is particularly helpful
when you need to assign an Aux channel as a Master.
Select the desired MIX (Mix 0–3) and click the scroll wheel.
Scroll to MASTER and select the Master Channel. Click the scroll wheel.
Scroll to SLAVE and select the Slave Channel. Click the scroll wheel.
Select Rate to assign Rates for both Master and Slave.
Assign a switch to the mix. If Switch ON is selected, the value will always be on for that function.
A negative value results in the secondary channel moving in a direction opposite the direction of the
primary channel.
technology is active, only three channels, Steering ,Throttle and Aux3 are operational. The other Aux channels can be used to
power a personal transponder or lights.
If AVC technology is disabled, the Aux channels will operate as servo channels. Aux channels are not available for use in mixes when
AVC is active.
• STR Gain
• ThR Gain
• Priority
To activate AvC:
Assign a switch to toggle AVC ON/OFF or select ON.
STR Gain and/or ThR Gain Sensitivity
The default value is 50%. As the value increases, the AVC steering stability and throttle management increases.
A value of 0% is off.
Adjust the STR Gain until you reach the ideal amount of steering control. If the front wheels begin to
shake, the STR Gain value is too high. Reduce the STR Gain value until the front wheels stop shaking. You
can assign STR Gain and THR Gain to the Switch, enabling you to adjust both values at the same time.
2. On The Fly Switch (OTF):
Assigning STR Gain and THR Gain to a switch enables you to adjust the
sensitivity without using the AVC menu.
Steering Priority
As the steering angle command is increased, the steering gain is decreased. With 100% priority at full steering
travel, the steering gain is turned off to allow maximum steering control. This allows full steering stability in a
straight line, plus full steering control at full lock with varying degrees of stability proportionally based on the
steering angle. Priority is used to adjust the maximum steering rate. If the vehicle spins out, reduce the Priority.
If the vehicle won’t turn in aggressively as desired, increase the Priority.
Deactivating AvC
Assign switch to INH.