8. Troubleshooting
8.2. FLO Valve
Possible Cause
Possible Solution
A. The system will not regenerate
1. Used or defective batteries
2. Disrupted electric supply
3. Damaged meter cable
4. Water meter turbine blocked
5. Defective drive motor
6. Defective electronic board
1. Replace old batteries
2. Recover the power supply
3. Verify the connection & inspect cable
4. Clean or replace the turbine
5. Replace the drive motor
6. Replace the electronic board
B. There is hard water coming
from the outlet
1. No salt in the brine tank
2. System in bypass position
3. Internal leak in valve
4. Dirty breech
5. Low brine tank refill
6. See symptoms in “A”
1. Refill the brine tank
2. Return the system to service position
3. Change the internal seals
4. Clean the breech
5. Change the two breech seals
6. See resolution in “A”
C. Decrease in pressure and flow
1. Iron build up in the water supply
2. Iron build up in the system
3. Levels of iron too high in the feed water
1. Clean or replace the supply line to
the system
2. Clean the valve and the resin bed.
3. Increase backwash time to prevent
fouling. Specifically install an addi-
tional filter to remove iron.
D. High levels of brine present in
the brine tank
1. Clogged drain line
2. Defective cycle time
1. Check and clean the drain line
2. Adjust the cycle times
E. The outlet water tastes “salty”
1. Clogged injectors
2. Clogged drain line
3. Clogged brine valve
4. Defective cycle time
5. Damaged drain flow control
1. Clean the injectors
2. Check the drain line and flow control
3. Clean or replace the piston assembly
4. Adjust the cycle time
5. Change the flow control
F. There is a constant leak during
normal operation
1. Defective seal
2. Defective piston
3. Control valve blocked in regeneration
4. Defective power head
1. Change the seals
2. Change the piston
3. Change the piston and the seals and
4. Change the power head
G. Valve regenerates continuously 1. Defective power head
1. Change the power head