Other Keypad
The most common use of the keypad is to view the
weather station
s current sensor readings, calculated pa-
rameters, and archived data. Pressing the
once brings the LCD display to life. The screen will initial-
ly display descriptive information about the station. The
screen then displays current conditions. Current condi-
tions are refreshed every 20 seconds. Pressing the
key a second time will deactivate the display. The
station continues to record data when the display is not
active. To conserve battery power, the display goes off
after 2 minutes of inactivity. The weather station only rec-
ords the measurements from the sensors. Parameters
calculated and displayed on the LCD by the firmware
(such as Growing Degree Days) are only retained in the
Daily Archive (see Daily Archive, p. 25).
In addition to being able to configure parameters needed
by SpecWare, the keypad is also used to set the date/
time, calibrate the wind vane, reset the running rain coun-
ter, configure the radio and select options for parameters
calculated and displayed by the station
s firmware.
The keypad sequences to set each parameter are de-
scribed on the following pages.