The data logger function must be enabled using the Field
Scout software in order to record a GPS signal (see Meter
Settings p. 16).
The GPS unit must be plugged into the TDR 300 meter
and running when the meter is first turned on. If a GPS
signal is found at startup, the logger will search for a GPS
signal for every reading. If no GPS signal is found when
the meter is first turned on, the meter will not search for
one when taking readings, thereby saving time when tak-
ing readings. In this case the LCD will display the
GPS Found
If the GPS signal is found while taking geo
readings, the LCD will briefly display the message,
Reading GPS ..
before displaying the measurement. If
the GPS signal is lost during a series of readings, or if the
specified differential correction is not found, the LCD will
Reading GPS .. ERR
before returning to measure-
ment mode. In this case, the data will be recorded without
latitude and longitude. During subsequent readings, the
meter will again search for a GPS.
GPS Setting
Your GPS unit must be set for NMEA 0183 input/output
messages. If the meter has trouble receiving the GPS sig-
nal, check that it has the following settings:
Data bits: 8
Stop bits: 1
Baud rate: 4800 bps
Parity: None
Timing: 1 second
GGA data string
Connecting to a
GPS Unit