When operating the meter in Relative Water Con-
tent mode, the LCD can display the rod length options in
English or metric units. The meter will calculate and dis-
play the water deficit (see Relative Water Content p. 24)
in the same unit system.
Relative Water Content Set Points:
Up to 2 Relative
Water Content (see p. 24) modes can be programmed into
the meter by entering the wet and dry set points into the
appropriate boxes. From the dropdown menus near the
bottom of the screen, select which VWC calibration
(Standard or High Clay) should be used for each RWC
mode. Each of these modes can be given a descriptive
name of 5 characters. These names can be used to identify
a certain field or soil type.
Finally, for an RWC mode to be available, it must be ena-
bled by checking the Enable Display box. If this box is not
checked, that RWC mode will not appear on the LCD dur-
ing meter operation.
Enable Spacers:
If you have purchased the TDR Turf
Rod Spacer (item 6435 SP), the
Enable Spacers
button is
how the additional rod length options are added to the me-
ter. Instructions for activating this feature are included
with the Spacer.