February 2018
Chapter 6:
From this point on, the deployment process centers on Spectralink Configuration Management
System. See
Spectralink Configuration Management System Administration Guide
for specific
parameters and comprehensive guidance to using CMS. The below information is a high level
guide for using CMS to step through an initial deployment.
Approve the Handsets
Be sure that all the phones are turned on and within range of the wireless LAN for this step.
Open CMS and navigate to the
Device Holding Area
. Click the phone icon at the top of
the Navigation bar, switch to the 84 Series pages if necessary and click
Device Holding
Devices will be listed by MAC Address, Serial number etc.
Using your Batch File spreadsheet as a reference, verify and check the devices that you
want to approve and approve them.
The phones will heartbeat into CMS and download the parameters for each phone. Give
it a few minutes.
Spectralink recommends: Approve devices in groups of 100
To prevent the infrastructure from being overwhelmed by a large number of phones
trying to find the CMS and download parameters at the same time, Spectralink
recommends approving devices in groups of 100 or fewer.