Each group master has level control, pan, a stereo
mix assign, in-place solo, and insert select switch.
There are 4 aux master levels with solo. Each of
the 8 group channels has active-balance
output jacks that are referenced to +4dBu,
" send/receive insert jacks, and 4
active-balanced aux master output jacks.
1. Group Master Level
- This control adjusts the
level for each of the 8 sub-groups. Each section
includes a Group Master level that controls a
balanced ¼" balanced TRS output on the rear
panel. Metering for the group outputs is provided
by two LED VU meters in selectable pairs (1/2,
3/4, 5/6, 7/8).
2. Insert Switch
- Each group channel on the X6
has a balanced send and return available via
separate ¼" TRS jacks on the rear connector
panel. The insert signal path is immediately after
the group active combine circuitry and just before
the group master level. When this insert switch is
pressed, any audio device connected to the insert
connectors is inserted in the group master audio
path. An orange LED on this switch illuminates
indicating that the insert is enabled.
3. Mix Assign
- The Mix Assign switch, in conjunction with the Pan control, allows a group
master to be mixed to the left/right main output. A yellow LED on this switch illuminates
indicating that the Mix Assign has been enabled.
4. Pan
- This center detent Pan control places the group master anywhere in the stereo
left/right mix when the Mix switch is enabled.
5. In-Place Solo Switch
- In-Place soloing allows you to isolate any group channel while
maintaining its stereo perspective. The source of the solo signal is post (after) the group's
level and pan control. When a solo switch is pressed, any adjustment to the group’s level
control will be evident in the monitor and headphone playback. A red LED illuminates any
time its associated Solo Switch is pressed.