6. In-Place Solo Switch
- In-Place soloing allows you to isolate the stereo input channel
while maintaining its stereo perspective. The source of the solo signal is post (after) the
channel's level and pan controls. When a solo switch is pressed, any adjustment to the
channel’s level control will be evident in the monitor and headphone playback. A red LED
illuminates any time its associated Solo Switch is pressed.
7. Aux Send (Odd)
- The smaller inner knob adjusts the level for the selected "odd" aux
busses 1 or 3 when selected with the Aux Assign switch [#9].
8. Aux Send (Even)
- The larger outer adjusts the level for the selected "even" aux busses 2
or 4 when selected with the even aux assign Switch [#9].
9. Aux Assign Switch
- When this switch is in the up position, Aux Send (Odd) [#7] sends to
aux 1 and Aux Send (Even) [#8] sends to aux 2. When this switch is pressed, Aux Send (Odd)
sends to aux 3 and Aux Send (Even) sends to aux 4.
10. Aux Pre
- This switch selects the source of the Aux Sends. In the up position, the aux
sends reflect any adjustment after (Post) the level control. When this switch is pressed (Pre)
the input level control has no effect on the level set at the Aux Sends.
11. Stereo Aux Select
- Each input channel incorporates an “Aux Ste” switch. When this
switch is in the up position, the source for the aux sends is the sum of the left and right
input signals, post the input level control. When the “Aux Ste” switch is in the down
position, the source for aux sends 1 and 3 is the left input signal, and the source for aux
sends 2 and 4 is the right input signal.
12. Presence of Signal
- This LED will illuminate when a signal is present at the left or right
channel. This provides for easy identification of an active signal even when a channel is
unassigned and sound is inaudible.