8999118EN: v1.1 21/12/2020
Original instructions (ENGLISH)
Website: www.spearheadmachinery.com
Safety Warnings
The operator must read, understand and follow all of the Safety instructions. Serious injury or death may occur
unless care is taken to follow the warnings and instructions provided. The level of safety is indicated in three
levels and the following notation is used throughout this operator instruction book;
Level 1; alerts for imminent death or critical injury.
Level 2; warns of serious injury or possible death.
CAUTION! Level 3; indicates possible injury.
Never operate the tractor or machinery until you have read and completely understood this manual and the
tractor operator
’s manual and each of the safety messages found in the manuals and those displayed on the
tractor and implement.
It is required that all operators and personnel carrying out maintenance on this machine
familiarise themselves with the machine and this operator manual to ensure they are aware of
the dangers of incorrect use or improper or incorrect repairs.
attempt any maintenance of or adjustment to the machine while it is running.
Before carrying out any work on the machine follow the four safety instructions below:
1. Lower the cutting head on to the ground
2. Put the PTO out of gear
3. Apply the hand brake and if the ground is sloping, wedge the tractor securely
4. Stop the tractor engine, remove and pocket the starting key.
Before starting, safety checks on tractor and flail mower must be carried out with regard to:
functionality, road safety and accident prevention rules.
The condition of flails and all guards must be checked before beginning daily work
– they
must be replaced if damaged or missing.
At all times ensure that the PTO shaft guard is in position, securely fitted and in good
condition and that the tractor PTO shaft shield is fitted.
Keep a careful watch for passers-by who may inadvertently get in the way of cut material
being thrown from the flail mower. Flail mowers are capable under adverse conditions of
throwing objects great distances at high velocity. Stop the rotor shaft until all people are well
Do not use the machine when there is vibration in the flail mower, as this would cause
breakage and serious damage. Find the cause of the vibration and eliminate it.
. It can be extremely dangerous if wire catches in the rotor, and every care must
be taken to ensure this will not happen. Inspect the working area before commencing. Remove
all loose wire and obstructions and clearly mark those that are fixed so that you can avoid them.
Any unusual noise from the cutting unit area indicates that the rotor shaft may have been fouled
by an obstruction. In any such event
the tractor engine
. On no account
move the cutting unit until the rotor has completely stopped.
run the rotor in reverse to 'clear itself'. When the rotor has stopped, inspect
it and remove any obstruction that may be present. If working under a raised machine ensure
that it is safely supported. Before working on the rotor always stop the tractor engine and
remove the ignition key.